Dear and Faithful Orthodox Christians,
Thanks to God for our joyous Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ!
These have been truly remarkable and grace-filled days! Bringing our gifts of prayer, chanting, our offerings to support the Church, and our community spirit of fellowship, it was as if we ascended mystically to Bethlehem and stood in the Church at the cave with the Magi and the Shepherds as our Christian companions. Following the Nativity Services of Royal Hours, Vesperal Liturgy, the Great Vigil, and then the Divine Liturgy of Nativity Day, the joy of the Feastday resounded throughout our Luncheon and the happy singing of Christmas Carols.
Saint Nicholas Church magnificently decorated for Nativity
And just over two weeks before, our Nativity Fast had been illumined at the Feast of our holy patron Saint Nicholas! We can recall now the compunctionate All-night Vigil Service, the Hierarchical Liturgy that was celebrated on the Feast of Saint Nicholas with our Metropolitan Gregory of Boston and Toronto, who presided, together with John, Bishop of Woodside, New York. Father Protodeacon George and I were also accompanied by a number of visiting clergy including our beloved Elder and Abbott Isaac of Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Father Sergey from Saint Seraphim Parish, Father Pedros of Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Boston, Father Bohdan and Presbytera Donna, from the Parish of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Father Demjan of Saint Andrew’s in Saskatoon, and our own dear Father Ephraim, monk.
Metropolitan Gregory and Clergy at the Vigil on Saint Nicholas Feast
On Saint Nicholas morning before the Liturgy, Reader Elijah from Boston was ordained to the Subdeaconate. May God grant him strength to serve Christ’s Church with diligence and joy!
Ordination of Subdeacon Elijah
In his sermon at the Liturgy, Metropolitan Gregory encouraged us to continue in our steadfastness in the Faith and to act with Christian compassion towards others as Saint Nicholas did. The Metropolitan outlined that Saint Nicholas exemplifies using, ‘the right hand of exactness and zeal in matters of the Faith, without compromise, never adding nor subtracting, and using the left hand of compassion, having a compassionate heart with our brethren and towards all. Then peace reigns in the Church.’ After the Liturgy we celebrated the Feast with a Luncheon in the Church hall which was filled with vibrant conversations, and delicious food.
On the Sunday after Saint Nicholas day, the Hierarchical Liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Gregory. After the Liturgy, we received a special blessing as the sacred relics of the holy Martyr Saint Maurice of the Theban legion and relics of several of his martyred fellow Soldiers were brought into the Church for veneration. Encompassed with grace and wonder that the sacred relics of these ancient martyred Saints were present before us, we reverenced them with honour, giving thanks for the mercy of God. This was followed by a second Parish Luncheon and a Question and Answer period with Metropolitan Gregory. There was a wide array of interesting questions and the discussions covered areas including: the introduction of Christianity and Orthodoxy in Japan, the different categories and levels of interpretation that the Fathers reveal in the holy Scriptures, and many others, an enlightening conversation for us all.
Metropolitan Gregory, Bishop John and Clergy on the Feast of Saint Nicholas
And now as we progress to the great Feast of Theophany, celebrating the Baptism of Our Saviour and the manifestation of the Holy Trinity, may we rejoice now in this Feast of Lights, and come to draw from the blessed waters, and receiving sanctification from Our Saviour Jesus Christ, may He receive our worship and join it together with the Angels in Heaven.
As King David prophesied, and we have seen fulfilled, ‘The waters saw Thee O God, the waters saw Thee and were afraid. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory hath thundered, the Lord is upon the many waters!’ (Psalm 76)
Services for Theophany:
Friday January 17, 2025 – Royal Hours and Typika for Theophany
6:30 pm Royal Hours
Saturday, January 18, 2025 – Eve of Theophany
8:30 am Vespers and Divine Liturgy followed by the first Blessing of the Waters
3:30pm Vigil of Theophany
Sunday, January 19, 2025 – The Theophany of Our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ
9:00 am Divine Liturgy followed by the Great Blessing of the Waters
After Coffee Hour we will proceed to Lake Ontario to bless the waters there.
With prayers and blessings of the Feasts!
Father Anthony